Thursday, March 13, 2008

Take part in the JISC National E-textbook debate

JISC National E-textbook Debate - asking big questions

14th April 2008, 5.30 – 7pm, Birmingham

To attend as a member of the audience please complete the registration form by Tuesday 8th April 2008 .

Over the last two months JISC Collections has been running workshops up and down the country looking at the state of the e-books market, asking librarians what their vision for the future of e-textbooks is and thinking about how we can all, libraries, publishers and JISC Collections get there. Well having heard the librarians’ point of view, we decided that it would be a good idea to hear from publishers as well. On the 14th April JISC Collections will be holding the National E-textbook Debate to let both sides air the arguments in an open and informal setting. So if you would like to come and join the live audience, please complete the online registration form.

Further details can be found here.

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