Wednesday, November 22, 2006

JIBS Scopus enhancement group

The first meeting was 10 November 2006 in Manchester.

Scopus coverage
Will be extended considerably during 2007, with "5 million records from multiple publishers at no extra charge" and will include more social science material. JIBS pointed out the need to for better coverage of sociology, social psychology, nursing and allied health material and extended retrospective coverage of chemistry, earth sciences and oceanography.
Elsevier are working on improving currency. JIBS noted that Scopus often lags behind PubMed at present.

JIBS queried the value of the advanced search option and whether citation searching could be made more obvious. Agreed to discuss in more detail at a future meeting.

Reference management software
JIBS asked for improvements to the screens covering this. The inclusion of RefWorks direct export was welcomed. JIBS asked for other products eg Endnote web to be added in due course.

A UK phone number to contact the Scopus helpdesk is now available, Elsevier will confirm details shortly.
Scopus Live Chat an online technical support service available 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday via the live chat button (towards the top right of the screen). This can be customised for local use.
Inside Scopus magazine for librarians is available from

Minutes of the meeting and a presentation from Elsevierwill be posted on the JIBS web site when available.

Next meeting scheduled for April 2007. There is a vacancy for an additional JIBS member.

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