JIBS represents users of bibliographic databases and related products available to the UK HE, FE and Research Council communities via national site-licence arrangements.
Friday, December 15, 2006
JISC Collections Licensing Workshops
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
JIBS Scopus Enhancement Group
Have been agreed and will be available on the JIBS web site shortly.
Useful information emerging at or since the meeting includes:
1 Customer support
UK free phone number now available Tel: 0800 357 384 37
Other contact points are Fax: +31 20 485 3432 , E-mail: nlinfo@scopus.com
2 Currency
JIBS had noted that Scopus coverage is often lagging behind PubMed. Elsevier’s response was that PubMed often leads the field in terms of currency because
i) it includes Articles in Press (AiP)
ii) it does not have to capture, index and match citation information.
Elsevier is examining ways to include articles in press (AiP) in a future Scopus release.
3 Scopus and Discovery Gate integration
DiscoveryGate customers are able to configure their own link options. For assistance with setting up links from DiscoveryGate, please contact support@mdl.com
4 Institutional repositories and Scopus Selected Sources tab
If you would like your institutional repository indexed by Scirus and available to display on the Selected Sources tab, please contact Elsevier.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Federated Searching Workshop
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
SUNCAT Newsletter
This issue includes news about
- New libraries on SUNCAT, bringing the total to 61 contributing libraries
- Z39.50 target information
- Links to library websites
- Update on downloading MARC records for contributing libraries.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Copac: trial of new interface
Note that the interface is still under development and not all the usual features are available. The colour of the interface will change before the live version is released.
Please send comments on the new interface to the Copac Helpdesk: copac@mimas.ac.uk
- tell us what you like and don't like about it. If you have any difficulties using the interface can you email us details of the problem, plus the name of the web browser you are using (and the version number if possible).
The new interface is accessing the new XML database. This database is still growing so may be slow at times as it is very active. You may find more record duplication than normal, this will disappear as the database is completed. Not all the usual library catalogues are available, the 'Libraries' list on the search screens shows the catalogues that are currently included on the new database. Libraries are being added to the list as their data is loaded.
All feedback appreciated.
JIBS meeting with Intute
Caroline Williams, Executive Director of Intute and Jackie Wickham, Intute: Health & Life Sciences Manager gave an overview of past and present Intute activity and future plans. Specifically they described current services including the Intute harvester and embedding tools. Work on the Leeds University embedding case study was articulated by Jackie. In addition, Caroline highlighted the results of the Intute Survey of Academic Use of the Internet: a published account to the survey will be made available in due course.
JIBS expressed significant interest in: embedding Intute in library websites and portals, in the potential for cross-searching/federated search, in lessons that could be learnt from functionality available in Google Scholar e.g. openURL resolver, and including different materials and associated search functionality e.g. images. The Group raised a number of issues associated with the existing service: duplication of records, currency of records, ability to distinguish between free and subscription resources easily, potential to extend e-journal listings, repeated entries in the harvester, resources appearing in subject areas that might be unexpected, gaps in the subject coverage and uneven spread of resources across subject areas.
Intute welcomed this feedback and intends to use it to inform service development. JIBS and Intute are currently in discussion about setting up an Enhancement Group.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
JIBS Scopus enhancement group
Scopus coverage
Will be extended considerably during 2007, with "5 million records from multiple publishers at no extra charge" and will include more social science material. JIBS pointed out the need to for better coverage of sociology, social psychology, nursing and allied health material and extended retrospective coverage of chemistry, earth sciences and oceanography.
Elsevier are working on improving currency. JIBS noted that Scopus often lags behind PubMed at present.
JIBS queried the value of the advanced search option and whether citation searching could be made more obvious. Agreed to discuss in more detail at a future meeting.
Reference management software
JIBS asked for improvements to the screens covering this. The inclusion of RefWorks direct export was welcomed. JIBS asked for other products eg Endnote web to be added in due course.
A UK phone number to contact the Scopus helpdesk is now available, Elsevier will confirm details shortly.
Scopus Live Chat an online technical support service available 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday via the live chat button (towards the top right of the screen). This can be customised for local use.
Inside Scopus magazine for librarians is available from http://info.scopus.com/is/
Minutes of the meeting and a presentation from Elsevierwill be posted on the JIBS web site when available.
Next meeting scheduled for April 2007. There is a vacancy for an additional JIBS member.
JIBS BSOL Enhancement Group
The enhancement group will be meeting with BSI at the end of February when I expect that we will get sight of the test version and make some immediate comments and also discuss how the academic community can get involved in the test process.
Roger Hines
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
British Library Sound Archive
Details may also be obtained from:
The British LibrarySound Archive
96 Euston Road
London NW1 2DB
Tel: +44 (0)20 7412 7676
Fax: +44 (0)20 7412 7441
Email: sound-archive@bl.uk
Monday, November 20, 2006
Researchers' use of discovery services
A workshop is being held in London on the 18th December to present and explain the conclusions of the study; to consider the implications of its findings, from the point of view of librarians as well as researchers; and to discuss ideas about what steps might be taken next:
Web of Science Enhancement Committee (WoSEC)
There is a new Key Account Manager for the UK, Jon Stroll. Email: jon.stroll@thomson.com
JIBS requested an improvement in backup capacity for when hardware problems occur, as was the case in October. Capacity is "being worked on".
We welcomed the improvements to author searching which have already been made and noted the introduction of full author names in the Q3 upgrade. These will not be searchable until a sufficient body of data has accumulated.
JIBS tabled an updated version of the WoS wishlist. Outstanding requests include:
- Reducing the list of ‘stopwords’ that cannot be searched
- Standardizing journal abbreviations used in citation searching
- Introducing a facility for export into RefWorks
There was also a discussion on the accuracy of the 'average' usage statistics, which are influenced by federated search engines.
Minutes of the meeting will be posted on the JIBS and MIMAS web sites when available.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
OvidSP enhancement meeting
Gary Horrocks, Adrian, Mike King and Rowland Somers met with Ovid. A number of concerns had been raised by email and will be addressed by Ovid e.g. JISC had asked us to raise Shibboleth/Access Management Federation ...
Several issues can be resolved by local customization and Ovid will contact the customers concerned.
Ovid are working with Development Partners on the new common platform (engine to interface) for OvidSP for release in 2007. We have concerns about the time available to prepare training material for September 2007 but individuals, rather than institutions, may be able to choose when to migrate to the new platform (which means institutions may have to aggregate usage statistics for people using different interfaces?). Development Partners are bound by a No Disclosure clause; the databases already loaded are Medline, BIOSIS, INSPEC, PsycINFO and EMBase.
Databases are at present compressed - as they had to be when delivered on CD-ROM and this is no longer necessary (in fact constant decompression accounts for a significant load on processors) and the reload of databases for OvidSP will allow Ovid to remove this compression.
ClinicalResources@Ovid is available, ask for a quote or trial; this provides a federated search of Ovid's relevant resources within a "walled garden" - not yet customized for England (e.g. NICE Guidelines should be included?) but could be tailored for Wales, Ireland, Scotland etc.
Fulltext developments include pre-patent disclosure information on INSPEC.
BIOSIS (Biological abstracts from 1926) and Zoological Record (from 1864) archives should be loaded for December 2006 and are offered in modules, or complete. Ask for pricing information.
Ovid loaded PsycCritiques in September and have developed deep portal linking for APA resources. This could be implemented locally at no cost.
Midwifery and Infant Care database is already on SilverPlatter (WebSPIRS 5.1) and will be loaded for Ovid Gateway users "from December".
GeoScience World (GSW) collection now has 39 journals (peer reviewed) from 22 societies.
CAB Abstracts Plus is a fulltext upgrade, available for Ovid and WebSPIRS.
EBMR enhancements for 2007: will include Cochrane CDSR PDFs (full text), Cochrane database of methodology reviews, Cochrane methodology register, HTA (Health Technology Assessment) database load & NHS EED (Economic Evaluation Database) load.
LWW journal archive available November 2006 - this is a one-time purchase on a site license basis. Only available complete, no pick and mix.
Drugline is one of this months free trial resources: http://www.ovid.com/site/products/resource_of_the_month.jsp?top=2&mid=5
look out for fulltext formulary and handbook information from AHFS http://www.ashp.org/ahfs/ with Drugline.
Monday, November 06, 2006
OVID and ICONDA building database
Source publications are journals, theses, reports and conference proceedings.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
JIBS Scopus enhancement group meeting 10/11/06
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
JISC consultation on journal backfiles
*Royal Society of Chemistry Journals Archive
*Institute of Physics Journal Archive 1874-1998
*Oxford Journals Complete Archive
The cost of acquiring such resources is beyond the means of most institutions, but JISC funding makes the content available to all UK higher and further education institutions free and in perpetuity. The availability of these online archives not only means that valuable library space can be freed, but that all students and staff can easily use previously inaccessible or rare material at the desk top.
In order to make sure that future procurement of journal archives is driven by the needs of institutions and their users JISC Collections would be grateful for your feedback on the following questions:
1. In your opinion does the continued licensing of journal archives represent a sensible investment of JISC Collection’s content procurement budget?
2. If yes, what are the journal archives currently available that you would like to see JISC Collections consider for procurement?
3. If no, what content do you feel JISC Collections should invest in?
Additional comments are welcome to all of the questions and the responses will be collated and made available to all respondents in the new year.
Please respond to Liam Earney, Collections Manager, L.Earney@jisc.ac.uk by 1st December.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Beilstein access changes
This seems to me to be pretty clear considering the many permutations they had to take into account.
"there is also a link to a list of the sites which we belive are intending to subscribe to the new agreement, and which method(s) of authentication they will be using."
Please notify: crossfire@mimas.ac.uk if there should be any corrections to the information on this list.
Scopus enhancement
"In response to customer requests to increase the transparency of Scopus’ content coverage, major improvements have been made to Source Browse by displaying more information about each source’s coverage in Scopus"
"The additional information will be:
* active versus inactive titles
* title history, such as title changes
* latest issues covered by Scopus"
See: http://info.scopus.com/sourcebrowserelease/ for more details.
Friday, October 20, 2006
SilverPlatter SPIN-L
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
British Standards On line User Group news
The absence of the text of the draft standards was one of the issues raised at the first user group meeting. It is excellent that BSI have responded so quickly in this area.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Web of Knowledge Enhancement Committee
Taylor and Francis ebook agreement from JISC
The Taylor & Francis Group has over 15,000 titles available in the Online eBook Library, providing a wealth of material for librarians, academics and students at all levels. Each ebook comes with five concurrent users, while the eBook library permits unlimited concurrent users. Institutions can subscribe to multiple copies of the same eBook in order to add more concurrent users.
A 5% discount will apply if the Sub-Licensee subscribes to 360 or more book titles from the Online eBook Library.
Subject coverage includes Business, Economics, Geography, Literature, Linguistics, Philosophy, Sociology, Politics, Psychology, History, Archaeology, Medicine, Science and Technology.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
New JISC Collections website
Over the coming days and weeks we will be making further improvements to the web site and making sure that it is fully up to date.
In the mean time should you have any problems finding information please let me know and I will send you the relevant information.
Best wishes and kind regards,
Collections Manager
Joint Information Systems Committee
138-142 Strand
London WC2R 1HH
Tel: 020 7848 1716
Mobile: 07739 402774
Web: www.jisc.ac.uk/collections
EPSRC to stop funding the Chemical Database Service
What does this mean for you, the user?
Until 31st March 2007 - all existing services will continue.
From 1st April 2007 -
If you use the
* Cambridge Structural Database
* Inorganic Chemistry Structural Database
* DETHERM, the thermo physical properties database
the EPSRC will continue to provide access until at least 2010. A procurement process is underway to provide such a service. Access to any other components of the CDS will not be available through a national service. CDS will be exploring the continuation of provision of other components, in particular the synthetic organic reaction databases, the Available Chemicals Directory and spectroscopy data. This may well involve a subscription only service after 1st April 2007. However it would require buy-in from a significant proportion of the community to be viable. We will be examining this option in detail in the very near future.
Questions or comments about the EPSRC decision should be addressed to: Carmine.Ruggiero@epsrc.ac.uk
Queries about specific data or components of the Service should be sent to CDS: cdsbb@dl.ac.uk
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
JIBS Scopus Enhancement Group
putting your name forward to join the new JIBS Scopus enhancement group which will meet for the first time on Friday 10 November 2006 in Manchester.
I have accepted an invitation to chair the group, and Lorraine Beard who is Faculty Librarian (Life Sciences) at John Rylands University Library Manchester has volunteered to be Secretary. We would like to recruit 1 or 2 more people to
join us to meet with Niels Weertman, Head of Scopus Product Development and Cameron Ross the Product Sales Manager for Scopus.
As usual with JIBS enhancement groups there will be 2 or 3 meetings a year, and travel expenses are reimbursed. Please get in touch with me if you are interested in joining the group and do not already belong to any other JIBS enhancement group:
Marion Tattersall
eCollections Librarian
Academic Services Group
Room 1.23, Arts Tower Floor 1
The University of Sheffield Library
Sheffield S10 2TN
phone: 0114 2227281
email: M.Tattersall@SHEFFIELD.AC.UK
BSOL developments
There will be no major development to the present interface and search engine but work is carrying forward to fix bugs.
Endeca software is used by a range of information providers including the Guardian and NCSU library
Roger Hines
Adsetts Centre
Sheffield Hallam
0114 2254703
Thursday, September 28, 2006
JIBS BSOL Enhancement Group
We had a very positive first meeting of the JIBS BSOL [British Standards Online] enhancement group.
Our impression was that BSI is very keen to work with the academic community and can see a value in our input to help them improve their services.
The highlights of the meeting were:-
- BSI has recognised the weaknesses in the current search engine and interface and has a programme in hand to address the issues that were of concern to JISC, both in the short term to fix bugs and in the long term at a more fundamental level. More news on this will follow very shortly.
- BSI will engage the academic community in user acceptance testing of any changes to interface and search engine software
- BSI are investigating extending electronic availability of withdrawn and superseded standards
- BSI are investigating extending electronic access to Drafts for Comment (DC) standards beyond the DC EN standards
We hope the minutes of this meeting will be available very shortly and they will give a fuller picture of developments at BSI. Our next meeting will be in late November, early December when we hope to review in more detail the BSI development plan.
Roger Hines chairs the group on behalf of JIBS and is happy to receive feedback and comments: R.Hines@shu.ac.uk
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
JISC Collections Academic Database Assessment Tool
With feedback from the library community regularly suggesting that the high cost, profusion and complexity of these databases make the task of evaluating them difficult and time-consuming, JISC Collections commissioned and funded the new resource, bringing together a national user panel of librarians and information professionals to guide its development.
The Academic Database Assessment Tool provides details of the journal titles in each database, their date coverage, currency, as well as their functionality, editorial policy, indexing and a great deal more, and allows direct comparisons to be made between the resources and the different platforms on which they are available. Information can be exported into spreadsheets, allowing up to date lists of titles to be created.
Initial testing of the resource – which will continue to be developed in response to feedback – has been extremely positive, with librarians and publishers already welcoming it as an important resource which for the first time allows comparisons of the most popular databases.
To access the new resource, please go to:
For further information, please contact: Liam Earney on 020 7848 1716 or l.earney@jisc.ac.uk
Posted on behalf of Liam Earney
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
JIBS Federated Searching Conference
“Federated Searching, what?, why? and how? : an introduction to federated searching technology and developments"
To be held at the John Rylands University Library, University of Manchester, Wednesday 22nd November, 2006.
JIBS will host this one day conference aimed at library and information practitioners, within the higher and further education sectors. As electronic content and sources of information, provided by academic libraries, become greater and vaster, the need for federated searching technologies has increased. This conference will introduce delegates to the concepts of federated searching (also known as meta-searching) of library content, and will illustrate some of the current developments and initiatives within this field. Presentations will include experiences of implementing a federated search engine, and also the development of bespoke federated searching for specific institutions and for a specific sector. For those currently involved in federated searching, or even interested parties who are new to the concept, this conference will provide plenty of thought provoking examples of the current federated searching climate.
For programme details and a booking form please see the JIBS web page:
JISC Collections Licensing Workshops
Institutions are changing and evolving to meet the diverse needs of their users; overseas campuses are being opened, new commercial activities and spin out companies are being developed and franchised courses are being offered in partner institutions.
JISC Collections would like to invite you to attend the licensing workshops in November. The workshops will provide the opportunity to learn more about the new and updated Model Licence, to share experiences and to help JISC Collections create new models for non-standard licensing. Further details on these workshops can be found at:
Posted on behalf of Brian Mitchell,
JISC Collections Promotion Manager
Friday, September 15, 2006
JISC Collections #8
British Geol. Survey and Digimap, Crossfire and other news from JISC
Friday, September 01, 2006
MIMAS Newsletter
* A report on the MIMAS Open Forum
* UK Online Biomedical Research Archive to be Hosted by MIMAS
* Introducing Intute
* WoK News
* Zetoc News for NHS England
* New Contributions to Jorum: REHASH Medical Resources and Hairdressing Training Worksheets
* Satellite Image of the Month Feature
* Nobel Prize Winner Praises ESDS International
* Archives, Archivists and Users
* Conferences
* MIMAS Courses
Thursday, August 24, 2006
OVID meeting in November
Any concerns and issues, please contact Adrian Smith 0113 3435531 so that we can take them forward.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
JISC Collections
This is the last issue for August with the next update resuming in September.
You can either go direct to the web version of the newsletter
(http://www.jisc.ac.uk/coll_weekly_update.html) and browse the items from there or register to obtain your own direct alert (via an HTML email) by mailing JISC Collections at mailto:collections@jisc.ac.uk.
A PDF version http://www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_documents/JISC%20Collections%20weekly%20update%20issue%205.pdf and text only version
http://www.jisc.ac.uk/coll_week_update_text.html of this newsletter are also available.
Brian Mitchell
JISC Collections
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Ovid released the Mustang version of OvidSP in April 2006. Its purpose was to begin exposing the new search platform to a small, specially selected group of customers in order to share with them [the] design direction and to receive ... feedback on design questions.
The next stage is the mid-Summer availability of Corvette.
This pre-release version targets the librarian/info manager user community in the academic sector. Nottingham University (Wendy Stanton) expressed an interest in working with Ovid on this.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

EDINA Web Pages
EDINA are looking at ways of improving their web site. They have created a survey which reflects some of their current thinking, and would value your feedback.
The survey is available via the link below, and should be completed by 18th August.
Thursday, August 03, 2006

Intute Seminars
To celebrate the launch, Intute are offering the following seminar events free of charge to UK lecturers, researchers or librarians:
Internet for Business and Tourism, Bristol, Weds, 13th Sept 2006
Internet for Social Research, Birmingham, Weds, 20th Sept 2006
Internet for Health, Nottingham, Mon, 18th Sept 2006
These seminars are for university or college staff interested in improving their own use of the Internet for research, or in teaching Internet research skills to students.
Posted on behalf of Jenny Hall, Intute.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

JISC Content Procurement Company
This is a reminder that institutions need to join the JISC Content Procurement Company:
JISC Collections will be a mutual trading company and as such it can only trade with its members. In order to provide institutions with sub-licence agreements and to process their subscription fees the institutions must become members of the company.
There is no fee for membership and liability is limited to £1. The institutional members will be represented on the JISC Board by two Institutional Directors. Member institutions will be able to nominate and vote for these representatives.
To check if your institution is a member, and for joining instructions, please see:
Posted on behalf of Lorraine Estelle
JISC Collections Team Manager
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Suncat becomes a full service at Edina from today. It is a freely-available union catalogue of journals and other publications of a continuing nature, both print and online:
Records are derived from approximately 50 participating libraries including the British Library, National Libraries of Scotland and Wales, plus selected university and specialist libraries including RIBA, the Natural History Museum and Wellcome libraries.
Searches may be limited to a particular region or library.

Closure of Biosis service at EDINA
The Biosis service at Edina closed yesterday. JIBS wishes to thank Edina for successfully hosting the database and in particular for their excellent customer support.
BIOSIS Previews continues under a JISC license via the Ovid and ISI Web of Knowledge platforms. JIBS liaises closely with both of these providers and would be pleased to pass on your feedback on the 'new' interfaces to BIOSIS. Just click on the 'comments' link below, or email:
l.j.humphreys@bath.ac.uk (ISI)
a.smith@leeds.ac.uk (Ovid)
JISC subscription information can be found at:
JISC Collections is now consolidating as much information as possible into a single weekly email covering ongoing negotiations, consultations, new resources and other important updates.
This weekly update is available on the JISC Collections web site at http://www.jisc.ac.uk/coll_weekly_update.html.
You can either go direct to the web version of the newsletter and browse the items from there or register to obtain your own direct alert (via an HTML email) by mailing JISC Collections at collections@jisc.ac.uk.
A PDF version and text only version of this newsletter are also available.
Posted on behalf of Brian Mitchell
JISC Collections Promotion Manager

RDN becomes:
The Resource Discovery Network (RDN) was relaunched as Intute on 13th July. This means that the 8 RDN hubs (SOSIG, EEVL, Humbul, BIOME, Artifact, PSIgate, GeSource, Altis) no longer exist. Instead, there are 4 subject categories:
- Science and Technology
- Arts and Humanities
- Social Sciences
- Health and Life Sciences
JIBS are meeting with Intute representatives in November to provide feedback on the new service, and would welcome your views. Please click on the 'comments' button below this news item to add your feedback on Intute.
The Intute home page is at: http://www.intute.ac.uk/

CrossFire Renewal
The JISC licence for the Beilstein CrossFire service expires on 31st October. Renewal information was sent yesterday to those who responded to the JISC consultation. If you are intending to renew CrossFire or to take up the DiscoveryGate offer but have not received this information please contact Liam Earney: l.earney@jisc.ac.uk
Friday, July 28, 2006

EBSCO Enhancement Group
After discussion at recent committee meetings and liaison with EBSCO, the JIBS User Group is to set up an Enhancement Group for EBSCOhost databases.
JIBS are looking for volunteers to form the new JIBS-EBSCO Enhancement Group. Ideally we are looking for an even spread of experience across the range of EBSCOhost databases. Volunteers should have be prepared to attend 2-3 meetings per year. Further details available on request.
Please let me know by 19th August if you would like to be a member of this Group. In the unlikely event of us receiving too many applicants, it would be useful if you could give me some idea of your role and experience of using EBSCOhost databases.
Graham Stone
Serials and Electronic Developments Manager
University of Bolton
Friday, July 14, 2006

JISC Database Evaluation
On behalf of JISC, Nick Andrews Consultancy are carrying out "A Study Evaluating Bibliographic and Citation Databases in use by the UK Higher Education Community". Phase 1 of this project was to draw up a shortlist of key bibliographic and citation services to be included in the study. These 20 databases are:
1 Scopus
2 WoS
3 PsycInfo
4 Lexis Nexis
5 Business Source Premier (EBSCO)
6 PubMed
7 Westlaw
8 British Education Index
9 International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
10 Inspec
11 British Humanities Index
13 MLA International Bibliographies
15 EconLit
16 ABI Inform / ProQuest
17 Sociological Abstracts
19 Lawtel
20 Geobase
Phase 2 will be to produce an online comparison website. Nick Andrews Consultancy has put together a Library panel to advise on this project, including representation from JIBS.
Thursday, July 13, 2006

British Standards Online
- enhancement group
Further to problems with BSOL which were discussed on the lis-scitech list, JISC have asked the JIBS User Group to set up an Enhancement Group for British Standards Online. BSI are very interested in taking this forward.
JIBS are looking for volunteers to form the new JIBS-BSOL Enhancement Group. Volunteers should have a good knowledge of BSOL and be prepared to attend 2-3 meetings per year. Further details available on request.
Please contact me if you would like to be a member of this Group. In the unlikely event of us receiving too many applicants, it would be useful if you could give me some idea of your role and experience of using BSOL.

Web of Knowledge quarterly update 16/07/06
JIBS have been asking for some time for an improvement to author searching on Web of Science so we were very pleased to see the MIMAS news concerning Sunday's upgrade:
"Author Finder -
You will be able to distinguish between authors of similar names, helping you to find the author you are looking for faster."
Note also the announcement regarding phrase searching. Thomson are adopting the Google approach. A search for 'needle exchange' used to retrieve the exact phrase 'needle exchange'. It will now retrieve 'needle AND exchange'. For an exact phrase search you will have to use quotes: "needle exchange"
The full announcement is at:
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
For information:
Closed Dates in Authority Records
The Library of Congress recently announced a change in policy about adding death dates to personal name heading and a revision to the LCRI for AACR2 rule 22.17 that allows the option for catalogers to add death dates to personal name headings with open dates (http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/lcri22_17imp.html)
Both the Library of Congress and OCLC are aware that many libraries will be very interested in incorporating these changes into their catalogs. Libraries that use authority control services for ongoing processing will receive these changes as part of their normal workflows but, for other libraries, OCLC is providing this service to announce headings to which death dates have been added.
Lists for each week since the new policy went into effect on February 1 are available
A list of newly changed headings will be added once each week in the future.
NOTE: Some entries require the ALA BT Courier font to display properly. Please use Internet Explorer for best results when viewing this font.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Yesterday I was at a presentation organised by RIN
Handling the scientific data deluge…
Making research data more freely available…
Interoperating between heterogeneous Web databases…
Exploiting the potential of the Semantic Web and Web 2.0…
... data webs and semantic web developments; there were even more acronyms than usual but David Karger from MIT was talking about Piggy Bank (a Firefox plugin) and their Haystack Project http://simile.mit.edu/ http://simile.mit.edu/about.html
RDF seemed to be the key acronym, but SPARQL SOAP FOAF were also flung around.
- the presentations should appear on the RIN website
Also mentioned "Haskell" http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Haskell functional programming language
Met a woman called Sabine who probably runs "3D Metrics" http://www.3dmetrics.co.uk/
Visual Data Intelligence exists as a software prototype that demonstrates new mathematical methods for -
interpolation creating new ‘datascape visuals’
extrapolation allowing not only forecasting but also ‘back casting’
layering multi-dimensional data allowing for new visual comparisons.
"Visual Data Intelligence is currently used as the engine for a prototype web service producing financial forecasts with exceptional accuracy. See http://www.blogger.com/www.3dmetrics.net. This service is provided by my company 3D Metrics Ltd. "